The random bloggings of me, Ryan Kunis. I created this blog for my 100W class at SJSU but decided that it's a shit-ton more fun to write about things that people might actually care to read about. So here are my random thoughts, journals, quotes, rants, journeys and whatever else flows outta me.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Individual Blog #5
Recession Affecting Online Social Networking
I would not have guessed that the recently downed market would have such a major impact on online social networks like MySpace and Facebook. I know that these websites make their money off of the advertisements that are run on these sites, but I guess that is the trend for just about any industry. Businesses are advertising less to conserve money, which I have to say is not a smart move. You have to spend money to make money.
If a potential consumer doesn't know that your product or service exists how the hell are they going to know to buy what you have? Online advertising especially is valuable. The younger generation feeds off of the Internet and social networking sites. And typically, the cost to run ads online is significantly less than any other medium so only a few people clicking through to your site and buying your product will have a quick return on investment. Not only is it quick to turn your spent money into a profit it is also highly targeted so that you get your message to a very precise audience with less chance of reaching too broad of an audience.
This is exactly why I am so surprised to see that MySpace's advertising income has dropped 22.5% in 2008 and Facebook's 20.8%. These companies are expecting an increase in 2009, but I personally think that the companies that were not running ads should have focused more on creating effective ads not running fewer ads. Just my thoughts.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Individual Blog #4
I know that the younger generation isn't the easiest to reach these days. Sometimes you have to shock their imagination into paying attention. But Pepsi may have gone too far with their new Pepsi Max campaign. The big idea was to make the fact that Pepsi Max has only one calorie blatantly obvious to viewers of the ad, but to show a cartoon calorie committing acts of suicide, come on, that's just in bad taste. It isn't hard to understand that "one is the loneliest number" but during the midst of another depression with the market down as it is and being the holiday season, the suicide rates increase in America. Did they forget about doing their homework on these things? I seriously doubt it.
Bad publicity is still publicity, but I don't think Pepsi is in need of its name being heard. The artwork is well done and arresting, but there are better ways of depicting a low calorie soda. Take a look at their ad below, because I guarantee you won't be seeing it in any publications for much longer.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Individual Blog #3
The videos place these women into a random area in the U.S. where the two have to rely on the At&t phones that they are given to get them through assigned tasks. I personally think these videos are a lame attempt at keeping the attention of young viewers with a reality TV show theme that are already plaguing our society. At the bottom of the article I read a comment by John Kantor that brings up a great point, "No one watches Justine to hear what she says." Most viewers watch her because she is attractive, why should people care about what she has to say about the phones? My final thought on this idea is, At&t, you need to pull out of this advertising ploy immediately! It is going to flop.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Individual Blog #2
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Individual Blog #1
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Copy Edit The World
The green-sheet for my Jour 135 class has the mistake of adding a coma after March. When a month and year are used as a date there does not need to be a coma between the two.
In my green-sheet for Music 120, the word jazz does not need to be capitalized. In fact, later in the same syllabus it has jazz written lowercase.
A direct mail advertisement I recently received has the word "repipe" multiple times and in very bold writing. The problem with this is the fact that "repipe" is not a word. What they should have wrote is "re-pipe."
Another direct mail piece I have is for Honda. In the copy write for the ad, there are unnecessary capitalization. You can see in this picture, the words "Advertised Price" do not need to be capitalized.
Word of the Week #8
M/W 12:00pm
Word #78
Word: Foray
San Jose Mercury News article
Title: Sarah Palin wonders: Why can't she impersonate Tina Fey on '30 Rock'?
by Julie Bosman, New York Times
"The McCain campaign tightly limits Palin's availability to her traveling press corps, bu during the rare foray to the back of her campaign plane in the last several weeks, she has told reporters that she "would love to" make a guest appearance on "SNL.""
Definition: (Noun)
1. a quick raid, usually for the purpose of taking plunder. Vikings made a foray on the port.
2. a quick, sudden attack: The defenders made a foray outside the walls.
3. an initial venture: a successful foray into politics.
(verb - used without object)
4. to make a raid; pillage; maraud.
5. to invade or make one's way, as for profit or adventure: foreign industries foraying into U.S. markets.
(verb- used with object)
6. to ravage in search of plunder; pillage.
The final goal was made in overtime when the San Jose Sharks offense executed a flawless foray on the Philadelphia Flyers' defense.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Mystery Character
Word of the Week #7
M/W 12:00pm
Word #7
Word: Incondite
Article - Australia burns ... while the bureaucrats bumble
By Tom Robinson
"Tom, this is another incondite article dealing with fire management."
Definition: (Adjective)
1. Ill-constructed; unpolished: incondite prose.
2. Crude; rough; unmannerly.
All I kept thinking about was the incondite bridge finally collapsing when it was my turn to cross.
Word of the Week #6
M/W 12:00pm
Word #6
Word: Arduous
Article - Restoring water supply 'arduous task'
by Guan Xiaofeng (China Daily)
"Authorities are facing an arduous task to restore water supplies to areas hit by last Monday's earthquake, an official has said."
Definition: (Adjective)
1. Requiring great exertion; laborious; difficult; an arduous undertaking.
2. Requiring or using much energy and vigor; strenuous: making an arduous effort.
3. Hard to climb; an arduous path up the hill.
4. Hard to endure; full of hardships; severe: an arduous winter.
Ryan knew what he was getting into when he signed up for too many classes, but he never realized just how arduous the semester would be.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Word of the Week #5
M/W 12:00pm
Word #4
Word: Altruism
Hazards, Risks of Earthquakes and Volcanoes
By Abbott
"One effect is an increase in suicides, but another is an increase in altruism."
Definition: (Noun)
1. The principle or practice of unselfish concern for or devotion to the welfare of others.
2. Animal Behavior. Behavior by an animal that may be to its disadvantage but that benefits others of its kind, as a warning cry that reveals the location of the caller to a predator.
3. Unselfish concern for the welfare of others; selflessness.
4.Zoology Instinctive behavior that is detrimental to the individual but favors the survival or spread of that individual's genes, as by benefiting its relatives.
In honor and memory of Sam, a ceremony was held to recognize the altruism that he showed while saving several children from a burning bus.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Journal Writing #2 - Media Audiences
A major topic in the news these days has circled around the $700 billion financial bailout bill that has many Americans nervously skeptical about. With the potential of a staggering economical impact on our country, this issue has been raised over and over again in all forms of the media. To make sure that the proper information is passed to the American readers or viewers it is valuable to compare the different medium platforms.
The San Jose Mercury News ran an article September 27, 2008, titled “Congress Pushes Closer to Bailout,” which covers the story from both a Republican and Democratic unbiased perspective. The article is 21 paragraphs long, equivalent to about a quarter of a page newspaper size, and includes nine sources that consist of representatives of both parties, quotes from the presidential candidates, McCain and Obama, as well as President Bush. Surprisingly, an article with a complex concern of financial numbers does not include any graphs or charts that might be beneficial to readers who could view comparisons of banking statistics.
During the early afternoon of September 27th, CNN aired a brief look at the same topic of the bailout bill. A mere one minute and thirty-nine second news report discussed the issue with a strong angle through the presidential debate that took place the day before. The report included two sources, video clips of the debate with Obama and McCain’s view on the subject and then a response from American citizens on the subject. The difference between the two mediums was very distinct. The newspaper was very informative of the facts and what the discussion in general is. The televised news report gave a specific angle of the topic through the debate and the viewer’s response.
An online coverage of the bailout bill from the New York Times gave a 13-paragraph discussion similar to that of the newspaper. A significant difference between the two medias is the more recent information of the online article that gives a few newer updates on the planning of the bailout bill and a much lower supply of sources, which were only four sources. The sources consisted of Republican and Democratic representatives and the President of the United States. Compared to the televised report, the online coverage was unbiased and fact driven mirroring the style of the newspaper report and did not take a narrower angle of the subject, like it did on CNN.
The difference between the media platforms is very beneficial from my perspective. They all cover important information that all Americans should know about, but can still give an array of views and angles of how the issue affects our country.
(word count: 447)
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Word of the Week #4
M/W 12:00pm
Word #4
Word: Zealous
Blues People
By: LeRoi Jones
"...a gentleman officiates it (of course, white) who, I understand, is very zealous in the cause of the spiritual well-being."
Definition: (Adjective)
1. Full of, characterized by, or due to zeal; ardently active, devoted, or diligent.
2. Filled with or motivated by zeal; fervent.
3. Marked by active interest and enthusiasm.
Enthusiastic, eager, fervid, fervent, intense, passionate, warm.
The zealous boy waited in line impateintly for his turn to tell Santa how good he had been this year.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Word of the Week #3
M/W 12:00pm
Word #3
Word: Ubiquitous
Hazards, Risks of Earthquakes and Volcanoes.
Geology textbook by: Abbott
"...the ubiquitous lava flows engulf and incinerate buildings, bury highways, cause drops in property value of homes near the latest flow..."
Definition: (Adjective)
1. Existing or being everywhere, esp. at the same time; omnipresent.
2. Being or seeming to be everywhere at the same time.
3. Being present everywhere at once.
The criminal realized he had to surrender when the ubiquitous police surrounded him after his short lived bank robbery.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Telling Details
A herd of backpack wearers slowly pile into the gapping light-rail doors. With only a quick glance across the sea of faces a common expression is easily seen. Exhausted eyes and emotionless mouths stand all around you waiting uncomfortably for a place to sit. Three short tones beep over the stirring sound of bodies; a thud of metal on rubber closes the doors with little concern for those between them.
Those left seat-less grasp frantically for the nearest silver pole when the train jerks forward hurling them embarrassingly backward. The droning sound of stale air recycled through the cars creates more ambient noise than cooling space. Red dots scroll overhead reading what will be the next stop, but you show no interest knowing that you will be there for at least ten more.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Word of the Week #2
MCOM 100W M/W 12:00pm
Word #2
Word: Esoteric
Source: US Intelligence Community
Strategic Human Capital Plan
By: The Office of the Director of National Intelligence
"We find ourselves in a war for talent, often for the most arcane and esoteric of skills, sometimes between ourselves and/or with our own contractors."
Definition: (adjective)
1. understood by or meant for only the select few who have special knowledge or interest; recondite: poetry full of esoteric allusions.
2. belonging to the select few.
3. private; secret; confidential.
4. (of a philosophical doctrine or the like) intended to be revealed only to the initiates of a group: the esoteric doctrines of Pythagoras.
During the meeting, some of the information about the new project was esoteric data to only a few of the members that attended.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Journal Writing #1 - My Favorite Writing
Words like "The air around me still feels like a cage. And love is just a camouflage for what resembles rage," give me a feeling that is all too familiar. The same feeling that claws at me every time a relationship goes sour.
These lyrics are an example of good writing because their words have meaning through imagery. They will never tell you directly what they are saying. It is always open to interpretation, but will always have a deep meaning for themselves.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Word of the Week #1
MCOM 100W M/W 12:00pm
Word #1
Word: Angst
Source: AdWeek Magazine
"I am always in angst about what campaign we can do to blow people away."
Definition: (Noun, Plural) A feeling of dread, anxiety, or anguish.
Matt stood in front of the class in angst as the time for his speech drew closer.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
All About Me
My name is Ryan Kunis, a senior Advertising student here at San Jose State University. I landed into this major randomly while transferring from West Valley College, where I had planned on being a web designer. Far from what I started out doing, I know, but I fell in love with the major and the professors that taught it.
But you are not interested in those parts of my life I am sure, so I will skip over to the aspects of my life that most of you probably do not know about me. I am a 25 year old, bass guitar playing, beer drinking, friend to all those who get to know me. I am a care-giver, essentially a nurse, for my older brother, who has been struggling with brain damage for over four years now all thanks to Kaiser hospital's inability to function as a useful medical facility. I am beyond bitter about that if you couldn't tell! I'm all about being the hopeless romantic who always comes in last because as we all know "nice guys finish last." I don't let that get me down though because I have great friends and an amazing family, so I can't be too distraught over it with so many significant people surrounding me.
Like I said at the beginning of this blog, this is only a small portion of who I am, so you will have to ask me in person if you want more.
Monday, August 25, 2008
I'm all signed up for blogging
Well, I do not have much to say other than ROCK AND ROLL!!!