Friday, September 5, 2008

Journal Writing #1 - My Favorite Writing

I am a big admirer of music and the expressive lyrical content that many bands produce. It sends shivers down my spine when a song can show me my own life from such a different perspective, while at the same time be created from someone I have never met. The first two phrases in the song "Snuff" by the heavy metal band Slipknot does exactly that.

Words like "The air around me still feels like a cage. And love is just a camouflage for what resembles rage," give me a feeling that is all too familiar. The same feeling that claws at me every time a relationship goes sour.

These lyrics are an example of good writing because their words have meaning through imagery. They will never tell you directly what they are saying. It is always open to interpretation, but will always have a deep meaning for themselves.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Word of the Week #1

Ryan Kunis
MCOM 100W M/W 12:00pm
Word #1
Word: Angst

Source: AdWeek Magazine

"I am always in angst about what campaign we can do to blow people away."

Definition: (Noun, Plural) A feeling of dread, anxiety, or anguish.

Matt stood in front of the class in angst as the time for his speech drew closer.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

All About Me

I suppose if you are actually viewing my blog that you might have somewhat of an interest about who I am or what I have to say, so I will start by telling you a small portion of who I am.

My name is Ryan Kunis, a senior Advertising student here at San Jose State University. I landed into this major randomly while transferring from West Valley College, where I had planned on being a web designer. Far from what I started out doing, I know, but I fell in love with the major and the professors that taught it.

But you are not interested in those parts of my life I am sure, so I will skip over to the aspects of my life that most of you probably do not know about me. I am a 25 year old, bass guitar playing, beer drinking, friend to all those who get to know me. I am a care-giver, essentially a nurse, for my older brother, who has been struggling with brain damage for over four years now all thanks to Kaiser hospital's inability to function as a useful medical facility. I am beyond bitter about that if you couldn't tell! I'm all about being the hopeless romantic who always comes in last because as we all know "nice guys finish last." I don't let that get me down though because I have great friends and an amazing family, so I can't be too distraught over it with so many significant people surrounding me.

Like I said at the beginning of this blog, this is only a small portion of who I am, so you will have to ask me in person if you want more.